FAQ’s: General Curbside Recycling Program

We are optimistic that our residents will embrace their new community recycling program and follow guidelines in efforts to divert waste in an environmentally friendly way. Nevertheless, if a resident chooses not to follow the guidelines within the program, they will be responsible for discarding their household waste.
Each apartment building will be equipped with recycling bins for each stream of recycling materials. Tenants will use these bins for their recycling materials rather than placing them at curbside for collection. Tenants are expected to abide by the one privacy bag guideline.
While it may seem that using our automated system is a more efficient option to manual collection, it is in fact less efficient. In order to ensure each bag of recyclables meet program guidelines, visual inspections are necessary. If bags are in bins it would require staff to remove them for inspection before collecting with the automated arm. This presents potential safety hazards to our collection staff as the bin prevents identifying potential dangers such as broken glass or sharp objects. Additionally, to use our automated collection truck for curbside recycling would require us to have a sorting facility to unload the materials. Once unloaded, we would need to allocate significant resources to physically sort materials at the facility. This isn’t a viable option for us at this time.
There is no limit to the number of recycling bags at your curbside.
If your recyclables do not meet the curbside guidelines we will place a sticker on your bag indicating why we were unable to collect at your residence.
Our collection staff will conduct quick visual inspections of recyclable materials to determine if it meets the recycling program’s guidelines.
The revenue collected from curbside recycling will be used to maintain and reinvest into the recycling program.
Many Churchill Falls residents are already enthusiastic about protecting the environment and actively contribute at home and in the workplace. Curbside recycling will increase participation opportunities for the entire community, increasing the amount of material diverted from the landfill. By recycling more, we will continue to lower our personal carbon footprint.
FAQ’s: Mixed Paper & Corrugated Cardboard
FAQ’s: Beverage Container Recycling
FAQ’s: Household Garbage
Curbside Calendar
Do you have a general question that isn’t posted here? Please email us here and we will be more than happy to answer your question.
Are you unsure if an item is considered garbage waste or is recyclable material? Click here to upload a picture.
We will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible, but it could take up to 3 to 5 business days for a response.