Annual Events

Winter Blast

What better way to break up our long, beautiful winters than to get involved in our annual Winter Carnival—nine days of fun events for the entire family. Winter Blast is held every year during February or March. Some activities include Human Curling, Arena Bowling, Snow Sculpture Contest, Labratholon, and so much more.


Safety Week Community Activities

Community safety is our number priority and we believe that education and awareness plays a big role. The first week of May is designated each year as National Occupational Safety & Health Week throughout North America. And while we recognize this event throughout our workplace, we also hold community events and activities to help bring safety and health awareness into our community.

Environment Week Community Activities

We care about the environment and we believe that education and awareness plays a big role in protecting the environment and conservation efforts. That’s why every year during the first week of June, our community celebrates Environment Week through a variety of events and activities that encourage environmental protection and awareness.

Property Beautification Contest

Keeping our town beautiful and clean is a community effort. To recognize the pride and effort our residents take with their properties, we hold a yearly Property Beautification Contest each summer. A panel of judges rate properties on a variety of landscaping elements.


Canada Day

It’s your birthday Canada and Churchill Falls knows how to celebrate! Rain, shine and even snow won’t stop this community from celebrating. We begin our day by proudly raising our country’s flag and then it’s on to canoes races, fish derby and a variety of games and activities and a community BBQ for the whole family to enjoy. We end our celebrations with a spectacular fireworks show that can be seen and enjoyed from every corner of our proud little town.

Terry Fox Run

Residents of Churchill Falls have been participating in the Terry Fox Run since its national inception in 1981. Each September we walk, bike and run in support of Terry’s dream to find a cure for cancer.

Summer Recreation Program

Each summer for the months of July and August, the Churchill Falls Recreation Department provides a recreation program where children from Grade 1 to Grade 7 take part in recreation and leisure activities. Some highlights of the program include weekly theme events and specialized field trips. The program is open Monday to Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

Annual Volunteer Banquet

We know that without the support and dedication of our community volunteers, Churchill Falls would not be the thriving community that it is. In recognition of their tireless efforts year-round we host an annual event celebrating their value within our community.


Fire Prevention Week

National Fire Prevention Week is held the second week of October each year. The Churchill Falls Fire & Security Department hold community events and activities each year to bring fire prevention awareness and education to all ages of our community.

Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night & Community Weiner Roast

Guy Fawkes Night is a long-standing tradition in many parts of Canada. It celebrates Britain’s King James I survival of a plot devised by Guy Fawkes to replace him on the throne in 1605. In celebration of his survival the people of London lit bonfires around the city. Keeping the traditional alive, we host a bonfire and community wiener roast on November 5th every year.