Frequently Asked Questions – Beverage Containers Curbside Recycling

1. Is beverage container recycling optional?

2. Beverage container recycling is a great way for me to do my part for the environment, but it’s just too much work.

3. How will the revenue be used from the beverage recycling funds?

4. Why are we not using our garbage bins and automated collection system for recycling?

5. Why is garbage collection changing to just once a week?

6. Is there a limit to the number of recycling bags I can put curbside?

7. What does it mean if my recyclables are not collected?

8. Who determines if my recyclables are acceptable?

9. Is there a drop-off facility where I can bring my recyclables between curbside pick-up dates?

10. Why is curbside recycling collection only once a month?


Do you have a question that isn’t posted here? Please email us here and we will be more than happy to answer your question. We will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible, but it could take up to three business days for a response.